Here’s a slightly more in-depth look at a couple of my bell-ringing projects.

  • Ringing Room Ringing Room is a first-of-its-kind virtual bell ringing platform. It was initially developed as a quarantine project in March 2020 and is now the most-used website for virtual bell ringing, with thousands of daily visitors. It was co-developed by Leland and myself. (March 2020)
  • Short and Sweet: Touches of Plain Bob A variety of simple, traditional touches of Plain Bob (various stages); all touches are at most 360 changes and only include calls at Wrong and Home. (October 2020)
  • Mix and Match: Simple Quarter Peals of Minor A variety of extents and less-than-extents for minor methods, including many standard and traditional callings, suitable to be rung together for quarter peals. (November 2020)